Dynamic Query

Table in Oracle Database :- Insert , Update , Delete , Select

Select( Ctrl+a) , Copy ( Ctrl+c ) and Run the code for practice

Dynamic Quries
  • Insert
  • Delete
  • select
  • update
Query Format

Dynamic select

Select command is used to view data of the table according to user which is already created in oracle Database.

Query is:- "Select *from student where srno=" +a;

  • EX In Java:-

Dynamic Delete

Delete command Delete the values from the table according to user which is already Exist in oracle Database.

Query is:- delete from student where srno=" +a;

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Dynamic Update

Update command is using for updating the values of the table dynamically which is already Exist in oracle Database.

Query is:- update emp set ename='Tom' where eid=101

  • EX In Java:-

Dynamic Insert

insert command is used to insert data in table by user through keyboard which is already Exist in oracle Database.

Query is:- Select *from student

  • EX In Java:-