Table in Oracle Database (Prepared Statement) :- Insert , Update , Dynamic_Insert & SelectSelect( Ctrl+a) , Copy ( Ctrl+c ) and Run the code for practice
Interface PreparedStatement
- If we use statement interface the perfomance of the appilication is affected , if there are many queries of same type
- Like 500 insert Query
- Like 600 Delete Query
- When ever a query is executed there are two process that take place between JDBC manager at java end and Database manager at DB end .
two processes are Query parsing and execution plan for every Query. This is the performance overhead if we use statement interface . but when we
use prepared statement interface these processes take place only once but they should be of same nature .
In Dynamic quries the data is input by Programmer , means data insert during
- Insert
- Delete
- select
- update
Query Format
Static Delete (Prepared)
Delete command Delete the values from the table according to user which is already Exist in oracle Database.
Query is:- delete from student where srno=" +a;
- EX In Java:-

Dynamic Update (Prepared)
Update command is using for updating the values of the table dynamically which is already Exist in oracle Database.
Query is:- update emp set ename='Tom' where eid=101
- EX In Java:-

Dynamic Insert (Prepared)
insert command is used to insert data in table by user through keyboard which is already Exist in oracle Database.
Query is:- Select *from student
- EX In Java:-